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My Trust in God is Bigger than MY Fear of the Unknown

Last night my husband John and I were talking about an area of our lives that is uncharted territory.   An area that has a lot of unknowns. We were talking about how there’s so much we don’t know, and quite honestly, the answers of what we should do are not always clear. Then these words came out of my mouth, “My trust in God is bigger than my fear of the unknown.”  At that moment, I recognized something.  I had a lot of confidence in that trust, but more importantly, that trust did not happen overnight!  

God has not said that we would not face unknown areas in our lives, He didn’t promise that we wouldn’t face fear, but He did tell us to TRUST Him!  He uses all of those difficult situations to BUILD our trust. He wants us to learn to rely on His Word and see that His character is true, and He is faithful! 

What it comes down to, is every time we face a difficult situation, every time we face something that may seem scary, we have a choice to choose whether we are going to trust Him, or whether we are going to choose fear.   It’s like exercising a muscle in our body.  Just like we have to exercise that muscle to increase muscle strength, we also have to exercise the “trust muscle” in our heart so we can learn to rely on Him a greater way.

The more we build that muscle and rely on Him, the more we will see His faithfulness and His guidance is available to us in every situation. The Bible is full of promises that He wants to reveal to us, and powerful truths that will help us build our faith in Him alone.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on our own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.”  

Every time we face a situation, we have a choice to trust Him, or rely on our own very limited finite understanding.  I don’t want to be limited by my finite human understanding of a situation, do you?  I want my trust to be in Him so that He will guide me and show me the way.  

I want to encourage you to take every opportunity that you have to choose to trust, and learn to build that trust muscle in your heart.  The more you do it, the easier it gets.

Pray with me. Jesus, I ask that you lead me into the unknown and that I will learn trust in you. Help me learn to not let the wind and the waves of this world take my eyes off of you.  Amen.