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Ephesians 2:10


I Am Good

We’ve all had those moments.  The moment we look at someone else and see that they are better at or gifted in an area that we are not, and those old feelings of inadequacy rise.  This happened to me recently.  As I took my feelings of inadequacy to the Lord, somewhat baffled that I was having these feelings in the first place, I felt the Lord say, “Jami, I have declared you GOOD!”  It stopped me in my tracks, as a flood of assurance poured through my mind and heart. A reminder, that God has declared me GOOD (Genesis 1:31).  

He reminded me that it is in the image of God that I am made (Gen. 1:26).  It was after the completion of creation, after the final piece was created, woman, when God said over creation, it is “very good”.  As daughters of God, we need to understand this.  God has declared us, “very good.”  As I contemplated the fact that God has declared me good, and let it sink in, God brought forth a flood of reminders of all the things within me that truly are good. My giftings, talents, personality – all things that are meant to reflect part of Him and point people to Him. After all, I am created in His image, so the things within me that he has specifically designed for me, reflect Him. Things, that are necessary for me to complete the purposes God has for me on this earth.

God has designed each of us uniquely and specifically for a purpose.  Ephesians 2:10 says, “I am God’s workmanship, created for good works.”  You see, the deeper our revelation of our identity in Christ and of who God created us to be, and His “good works” He has for us, the more confident we can be in the “goodness” of His design!  I don’t need to feel inadequate because I understand that every part of who God created me to be, His workmanship – my personality, my giftings, my strengths, they all are for a reason.  And it is GOOD!  Are we all a work in process? Yes! But we can be confident that He who began a good work in us will complete it (Philippians 1:6)!

Once we understand this, we have freedom to walk it out and be who He designed me to be, without allowing those feelings of inadequacy to linger, we can truly take them captive (2 Corinthians 10:5) and counter them with the TRUTH. I am good. I am very good.  My Father, my creator says so. The more I do this, the less those feelings and voices even consider popping into my head, and the sooner I can combat them with truth. 

Because, as a daughter of God, I know what my Father says, and I can declare the truth. I do not fear because He has not given me a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).  I am free from condemnation (Romans 8:1-2).  I know that He works all things together for good (Romans 8:28).  He wove me together in my mother’s womb.  Bit by bit.  Piece by piece.  (Psalm 139:13)  He has good works for me, and has made me a masterpiece, a beautiful workmanship that He has designed, perfectly to fit His good works He has for me (Ephesians 2:10). 

So you see, I am good.  My personality is good.  My voice is good.  My talents and giftings are good.  Because He says so.  Because the master designer, the Alpha and Omega, the one who holds the world in His palm.  He says so, and it is HIS VOICE alone that I will hear.  The voice of my Father.

I pray that YOU also will hear his voice and know that YOU, daughter of God, you are good. Your Father says so.